Protecting Your Water with Lead Filtration Systems


By: Taya Fontenette, Policy and Research Coordinator

When it comes to protecting your drinking water against harmful lead contaminants, choosing the right filtration system is important for ensuring your household's health and well-being. Deciding between these options depends on your specific needs, space availability, and filtration preferences. Regular filter replacement every few months is essential to maintain peak performance and ensure continued protection against contaminants for every filter system. While filters offer convenience, it's essential to recognize that full lead service line replacement is the most effective long-term option for preventing lead exposure.

This list of filters is not exhaustive but serves as a starting point for exploring low-cost protection.

NSF Certification

Be aware that not all water treatment devices remove lead. When selecting a water filter, look for the National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF) logo on the packaging. The NSF certification assures consumers that the filter has undergone rigorous testing and meets strict standards for quality and safety. Filters certified as NSF Standard 53 are specifically certified to reduce lead, guaranteeing effective lead reduction in your water.


Faucet Filters

Faucet filters screw directly onto the end of your faucet, providing reliable filtration. Before purchasing a faucet filter, it's essential to ensure compatibility with your faucet's size and design. Most faucet filters come with adapters or universal fittings to accommodate different types of faucets.


Pitcher Filters

Pitcher filters offer a convenient and portable solution for filtering drinking water. These filters are ideal for households looking for an easy-to-use filtration option without the need for installation or plumbing modifications. Pitcher filters effectively remove some lead contaminants from drinking water but are not certified to eliminate all traces, especially at high levels.


Under the Sink Filters

Under-the-sink filters are installed in the plumbing under your sink, providing a durable and long-lasting filtration solution. It is important to ensure proper installation, consider consulting a professional for assistance if needed.

